Bible-based Conflict Resolution

Online & In-person Training and Services

Welcome to the Institute for Biblical Peacemakers! Through conflict resolution strategies for the workplace, home, and church, it is our mission to teach our brothers and sisters in Christ to live at peace with one another with the principles found in the Word of God. These strategies are taught through virtual and in-person seminars, online courses, and the many resources found here on our website. Our founders and conciliators are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  In addition to serving our church, we are happy to serve any Bible believing Christians. Our goal is to equip people with the necessary tools to face those unavoidable disagreements that come our way in life and prevent them from turning into damaging altercations. For situations that have escalated beyond self-management, we offer mediation services for groups as well as interpersonal conflicts. 


This online seminar is available for staff, families, and congregation members. Work on it individually or collectively to complete the training.


This in-person interactive seminar is designed to help congregations, not only through mediation efforts, but to also teach members to work through conflict personally.

Blessed are the Peacemakers For They Shall be Called Sons of God.

Matthew 5:9

More Services in the Works!

Click below to take a look at some of our resources and courses coming soon to teach you how to biblically resolve conflict for yourself and others. 

Looking to start a ministry in your local or online community? Upon completion of this course, you will be qualified to teach others to respond to conflict biblically. 

Our very own Ron Price‘s small group study course is designed for congregations, using instructional videos, course hand-outs, and group exercises to help generate peace and unity within your church. 

  • Learn how to assist others
  • Learn about Christian mediation and arbitration
  • 8-10 hours of live training by Zoom
  • Prerequisite for Certified Mediation Training
  • Learn how to conduct Christian mediation
  • Understand the difference between mediation and arbitration
  • 8-10 hours of live training by our staff of Adventist professional mediators
  • Certification upon completion
  • Conflict Coaching and Mediation training required
  • Candidates must apply and be accepted by IBP
  • Learn by working with our conciliators with actual SDA congregations