About Our Peacemakers
The Institute for Biblical Peacemakers was created by Adventist FOR Adventists. Charles Brown and Ron Price, together, have over sixty years experience in mediation. They understand that the best way to create peace in our world is to equip our brothers and sisters in Christ with the tools to learn conflict resolution for themselves and teach them to help others by sharing their knowledge and strategies.

Charles R. Brown
Charles founded Adventist Reconciliation Services in 1999 and was the first Seventh-day Adventist to be certified by Peacemaker Ministries shortly thereafter. He has traveled throughout North America & abroad, teaching conflict resolution and providing mediation and arbitration services. He is the editor and lead instructor for our online course, Help for Hurting Churches, a consulting program that has benefited scores of congregations, as well as our online Responding to Conflict Biblically course. He served as pastor in Oregon and Washington and as Ministerial Director in the British Columbia Conference before beginning this specialized ministry.

Ron Price
Ron has been a mediator for over 30 years. He has attended 700+ hours of training, mostly in mediation and relationship enhancement. By God’s grace, he has authored three books in the PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox series and developed a small group study course called PLAY NICE in God’s Sandbox. He has also traveled the country presenting to staff, congregations, and more about Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). Ron’s passion is helping people live out Romans 12:18 “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” and expand their ability to get along with others.
Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.
Romans 14:19