Trained SDA Mediators

The Institute for Biblical Peacemakers are bonified Seventh-day Adventists. They have provided the information for their training and experience.  IBP takes no responsibility for their qualifications and any contractual agreement is between them and the party they serve.  We simply offer them as potential professional resources.


Our trained professional conciliators are available for virtual and in-person mediation, classes, and hands-on seminars to help your local and online community with all of your conflict resolution needs. 

Bruce Boyd is an educator who specializes in helping people learn how to transform their negative conflicts into positive opportunities. He also serves as a conflict coach, as a conflict mediator, or as a church conflict intervention facilitator.

In 1995 Bruce received a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Andrews University with a speciality in Interpersonal Conflict Resolution. In 2003 he became a Certified Christian Conciliator with Peacemaker Ministries.

Beginning in 1977 Bruce served as a pastor in Montana for 13 years and then in British Columbia for 16 years. In 2006 he became a professor in the Religious Studies Department of Burman University. Now in retirement Bruce continues to teach his favorite Burman University course – RELG 242 Conflict Resolution.

[email protected]

Elder Charles R Brown, B.A.,M.Div.,  is founder of Adventist Reconciliation Services and co-founder of the Institute for Biblical Peacemakers.  He is a graduate of Walla Walla University and Andrews University.  He served as pastor in Oregon and Upper Columbia Conference before becoming Ministerial Director for the British Columbia Conference.  He has led a specialized ministry in conflict resolution since 1999.  Charles and his wife Marjorie have two adult children and reside in Canby, Oregon.

[email protected]

Maury Gilmore is a Certified Christian Conciliator who helps Christians to biblically resolve conflict in their personal, family, church and business relationships.

As a leader in her local SDA congregation, she felt called to this ministry in 1999 and began pursuing training through Peacemaker Ministries Institute of Christian Conciliation, obtaining certification status in 2005. Since then, she has served many in the Western North Carolina area as a conflict coach and mediator.  In the past several years, she and Susan Smith have teamed together to help resolve church conflict issues for the Carolina Conference.

Maury enjoys serving the disadvantaged and homeless populations through her church’s Community Services outreach.  She has been married to John for 35 years. They are the parents of Chad and Kelley and grandparents of five precious grandchildren.

[email protected]

Donna Mashburn has worked in the medical field for most of her working career managing physician’s offices.  She is married to Mark Mashburn and has retired in 2018 after moving to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia to open their home as a bed and breakfast.

She was introduced to Peacemakers after being a part of a church conflict in her role of Children’s Ministry on the pastoral staff in 1999.  Since then she has become a Certified Christian Conciliator for Peacemakers and continues to work with churches and individuals leading them through the principles of biblical Peacemaking.  

[email protected]

Ron has been a mediator for over 30 years. He has attended 700+ hours of training, mostly in mediation and relationship enhancement. By God’s grace, he has authored three books in the PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox series and developed a small group study course called PLAY NICE in God’s Sandbox. He has also traveled the country presenting to staff, congregations, and more about Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). Ron’s passion is helping people live out Romans 12:18 “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” and expand their ability to get along with others. 

[email protected]

Susan Smith holds a BS in Social Work, NC Certified Mediator through the NC Dispute Resolution Commission for District Criminal Court, a Restorative Justice Practitioner and Train the Trainer, and a Certified Christian Conciliator with the Institute for Christian Conciliation. She currently serves on the advisory board of the Institute of Biblical Peacemaking.

She began her mediation training in 2009 with Peacemaker Ministries and became a Certified Christian Conciliator in 2013.  She began this journey because of a conflict in her church and saw the need to be equipped with conflict resolution skills. Since 2009, she has conducted many simple to complex mediations with families, churches, and businesses.

Susan recently retired as Youth Director of Restorative Justice Programming and has extensive experience working with young people in the juvenile justice system. She has conducted hundreds of restorative victim-offender conferences, circles, and mediations.  She is a retired member of the Restoring Youth Coalition of N.C. that brought restorative practices to community-based youth organizations providing services to the North Carolina Juvenile Justice System.  Susan was instrumental in creating a Young Offenders RJ Program for young adults with misdemeanor charges in the District Criminal Court System. She has trained schools, aspiring RJ practitioners, and law enforcement in restorative practices.

She is most passionate about equipping churches by teaching Biblical Peacemaking principles and has conducted workshops for churches and campmeetings.  Susan is founder and owner of Pathways to Resolutions, a Restorative Justice, conflict coaching, and mediation practice. She also enjoys facilitating small and large group meetings that have assisted organizations in problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration. In 2013, she teamed with Maury Gilmore in teaching peacemaking principles and working with churches in conflict.

Susan is an avid learner and enjoys hiking in the mountains and visiting the coast. She is married, has two grown children, and loves being a grandmother to her 3 grandchildren.

[email protected]

View Susan’s Website

I live in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, and am happily married to Gwen for 48 years. We have had the privilege of raising two daughters. One lives in Spokane and we visit there often to spend time with our two grandchildren. Our other daughter sadly passed away in 2019 from a serious cancer. We wait with anticipation for the Lord’s return to enjoy more time with her.

I graduated from CUC (Now Burman University) in Canada and also received my M.Div from Andrews University in 1982. I was a pastor in the Maritime, British Columbia and Alberta Conferences in Canada, and retired in 2020.

I was away from ministry for a few years and took mediation training and spent several years working for the Alberta Family Justice Service program working with parents who needed parenting orders through the court system. It was a privilege to serve the children of these families as I attempted to help the parents find common ground and commitment to the children they had in their care.

I have had the privilege of working with churches and schools who have found themselves in conflict situations and have been blessed to watch the Lord work in healing ways. I am excited to work with the Institute for Biblical Peacemakers be close up to watch God work miracles in the churches who look to the Ultimate Peacemaker.

[email protected]

If you feel God calling you to a ministry in peacemaking we encourage you to review the following course outline and get started with the online Responding to Conflict Biblically.  If you have already taken a course in Christian peacemaking, feel free to tell us about it and we will consider accepting it as an equivalent.

Become A Conciliator to Serve Your Community


Please fill out our application so we can get you added to our Conciliator list and help connect you with individuals and groups in need of your expertise.


Our training programs will, step by step, equip you with the knowledge and experience to be able to help others prevent and overcome conflict.



  • Fulfill level one or the equivalent
  • Read The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
  • Obtain a letter of recommendation from your pastor
  • Complete Conflict Coaching Practicum
    • 8 hours of live virtual training (scheduled as needed)
    • Fulfill 8-10 hours of supervised conflict coaching


  • Fulfill Level two requirements
  • Complete Conflict Mediation Practicum
    • 8 hours of live virtual training (scheduled as needed)
    • Complete one case of supervised mediation
    • Complete one case of solo mediation