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Institute for Biblical Peacemakers: Conflict Coaching Practicum

April 6 - April 13

Greetings from the Institute for Biblical Peacemakers. Thank you for enrolling in Responding to Conflict Biblically.   Some of you have finished the course and others have enrolled only recently.  We are happy for your interest in studying biblical principles of conflict resolution.

I have good news to share with you.   We have scheduled our next live Conflict Coaching Practicum for April 6 and 13. This next step in biblical peacemaking training features:

  • 8-10 hours of live training online via ZOOM with certified Adventist conciliators.
  • Focus on helping a person address conflict in a God-honoring way.
  • Role-playing a real case study
  • Tips on how to teach Responding to Conflict Biblically.
  • Understanding the difference between “coaching” and “mediation”.
  • How to apply the principles taught in Responding to Conflict Biblically
  • Two 4-5 hour sessions.

If you have not yet finished your Responding to Conflict Biblically course, there is time for you to complete it before the practicum.   However, I advise you not to wait to register until you have completed the course because the class may be full.   Class size is limited to 12 and I wouldn’t want you to miss out.

  • The class includes 2 sessions one week apart.
  • Dates are April 6 and 13 (Both sessions are required)
  • Time is 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time
  • Registration Deadline is March 8

After you register, Susan Smith, our registrar, will send instructions on how to get your materials and the Zoom link.

Sign up online HERE or download & print our registration form HERE. If you are an employee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, you may have continuing education funds that can apply to the cost.

For questions or additional information contact:  Charles Brown, Institute for Biblical Peacemakers, email: [email protected], phone: 360-607-7446


April 6
April 13
Event Category:




Institute for Biblical Peacemakers
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